Sunday, August 30, 2009


Friday I had an appointment with my PCP and found out I was doing awesome with my diabetes. My A1C was at a normal persons range of 5.4. I had also lost 23 pounds since April. Talk about exciting news!

I also had my appointment with my HA Specialist Dr. B., He was just wonderful. My whole appointment lasted 2 hours. He went over all my prior history,and listened to every detail that I could possibly pour out. He upped my Topamax and put me on Zomig. He also gave me Cataflam to use when the Zomig doesn't knock out the migraine for the first dose and Zofran for nausea.

I have been having a lot of stress at work that I cant write about until later, incase anyone from work is reading this, so I will update that when I can.

I am off to lay down with what I thought was just going to be a dull headache that has now turned into a full blown migraine. Lets keep our fingers crossed for the Zomig!


  1. FIGHTER said...
    love the new page......:)
    Nicole said...
    Thanks Chrissy, and thanks for being my first follower :)
    FIGHTER said...
    i hope you get a chance to check out my blog.....i love feedback...tell me what you think...
    FIGHTER said...
    funny...i see you already do...sorry...thanks....ha ha ha ..:)

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